Universidad de San Buenaventura


Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Teacher Education in Foreign Languages

Presentation |

The Bachelor of Arts Program of Modern Languages with a Major in English and French of the San Buenaventura University in Cartagena is organizing the Fifth Colloquium on Interdisciplinary Teacher Education in Foreign Languages (CIFLEX). The colloquium was first established as an event for Colombian researchers and faculty. However, since the second event, it has turned into an important gathering where pedagogy, science, research, and technology meet, and where experts in the field from different countries are able to share their knowledge and experiences with both faculty and students from a variety of foreign language programs.

| Objectives |

To reflect on the goals of higher education, oriented primarily towards educating professionals who will be integrated with the socioeconomic and political structure of a particular context. As a result, the programs should respond to that need: providing curricula that reflect the historically integrated character that both society and the world have.

  • To share experiences that are examples of how rigid borders can be erased through practices of integration, scientific and humanistic culture, academic integration, and the integration between disciplines, which in turn becomes flexible as the new paradigm that identifies social, economic, and cultural realities is created.

  • To provide evidence of the relevance of conducting research in Foreign Languages from an interdisciplinary perspective.

| Audience |

Foreign language teachers

Foreign language teachers at all educational levels in both formal or informal sectors and public or private institutions.

Undergraduate and graduate students

Undergraduate and graduate level students in Foreign Languages or in areas where foreign language is relevant.


Researchers, educators, and students interested in the process of education and foreign language acquisition, such as applied linguistics.


Professors and researchers in areas that complement teacher education, such as pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and technology


Curriculum design professionals, undergraduate education advisors, and other educational administrators interested in the topics of the colloquium.


  • Applied linguistics in language teaching
  • Education mediated by new technologies
  • Pedagogical innovation in language teaching
  • Creation of authentic materials
  • Special educational needs
  • Significant experiences
  • Challenges of post-pandemic teaching
  • Literary and sociocultural studies
  • Artistic and literary creation
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Critical discourse analysis
  • Learning autonomy
  • Internationalization and exchange of knowledge
  • Social impact
  • Scientific academic networks
  • Convergence of knowledge in the study of foreign languages
  • Interdisciplinarity and globalization


Proposal submission:

Acceptance Notification:



Oral presentation of results of research projects. The intervention consists of 20 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes to answer questions from the audience.


Intervention of 25 minutes to present a new or innovative methodology or learning strategy followed by an interactive activity with the attendees.

Good Practices – Successful Experiences

25 minutes presentation of innovative projects put into practice in educational or higher education institutions.

Poster Presentation

Oral presentation of 10 minutes of final or partial results of research projects carried out by prospective teachers.

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